Anger Help and Executive Coaching: Anger Management Program for Individuals

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Anger Management Program for Individuals

Individual tutoring is based on a confidential assessment which identifies strengths and weaknesses in stress management, communication, emotional intelligence and anger management skills.
Private Sessions are available for Court Mandated Defendants as well as individuals in the private sector.
Learn Stress Management Skills as well as Communications skills to enrich your life and all the people who experience it.
Karen Golob
Certified Anger Management Counselor
Executive Coaching Counselor
Chemical Dependency Counselor
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
9171 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 680
Beverly Hills, CA 90210


Blogger Karen Golob, Anger Management Services said...

How well do you read Body Language?
In working with a recent client, I gave him an assignment to notice is daughter and wife's body language and write what he observed. He was to then write how their body language affected him.
Well, to my surprise, when he returned for our next session, what he had written was their behavior. What's the difference between Body Language and behavior?
Body Language is silent. Body Language expresses emotion. Body Language is a subcounscious response to the situation and envionment.
For example: raised eyebrows...does this mean that someone is surprised or maybe fearful. How about crossed legs and a foot that doesn't stop moving up and down? Can someone's Body Language be interpreted differently by another individual... based on that individual's emotions at the time of observance? Oh yes!

How I notice your Body Language and respond to what I am observing can be quite different than what you see. How I react to that which I am seeing can have a great affect on the outcome of a situation that maybe physically or verbally abusive.
Learning how to read Body Language is extremely important to Managing Anger and Stress.
Karen Golob, CCDC, CH
Chemical Dependency Counselor
Anger Management Facilitator

7:44 PM  
Blogger Karen Golob, Anger Management Services said...


Unresolved stress leads to road rage, work rage, domestic abuse (verbal and physical) and frustration. The overload of this stress is the direct problem.

In most cases, where the anger is directed is not the true source of the problem. For example:I CALL THIS "THE TOE-NAIL SYNDROME" A couple are laying in bed at night. By accident (he or she) brushes her toe nail on the leg of her partner. Her partner lunges up in bed and starts screaming and using profanitydirected towards her. He's blaming her for his unhappiness at work and general frustration with his life. She is stunned! What has she done to create such "rage" in her partner. Surely, it cannot be just a scratch from her toe nail? The truth is that he has displaced (missplaced) his unresolved anger and unhappiness and placed it in a toe nail. He is on overload and just like a pressure cooker.....he had to let off stream. Anger is a learned response and can be unlearned and relearned through education, awareness, association and practice. KAREN GOLOB, CCDC, CHCERTIFIED ANGER MANAGEMENT COUNSELORCERTIFIED CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY COUNSELOR310-276-1342BEVERLY HILLS CALIFORNIA kKARk

7:50 PM  
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